Visiting Professorship in Bangkok, Memory Project in Bogotá, and Premiere at the IntAct Festival

Apologies for the irregular updates but it’s been a very busy Autumn. Starting with a 6 week visiting Professorship at PGVIM in Bangkok, and a wonderful gig at GalileOasis as part of PGVIS 2024. This included the outcomes of a field recording workshop with wonderful young Thai composers, and an improvised performance with the amazing Annmanee Singhanart (recording on Soundcloud).

In October, after a couple of weeks back in the U.K. I went to Bogotá for the Colombian premiere of the Memory Project at the National Centre for the Arts, with the ever Amazing Ligeti Quartet. We also did workshops on our latest sonification web app with disadvantaged young people from the city, which was an amazing experience.

Now I’m back in Thailand, where I had a great gig at JAM with Dirk Stromberg, Mahakit Maharinaron, and Kithiphan Janbuala. Now I’m teaching again on the ICIT composers course, and taking part in the IntAct 2024 festival at the Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, where the mighty Tacet(i) Ensemble will premiere my new work Rock, Tree, Machine on December 22nd.