Spectra poster

Spectra Festival in Bogotá

I’ll be a featured artist, alongside Annette Vande Gorne, Catalina Peralta, Rodrigo Sigal, Susan Campos, and Natalia Valencia at the second edition of the Spectra Festival in Bogotá, Colombia, 6-15 September. This will include a portrait concert, a SuperCollider workshop, and a BEAST/BLAST event. I’m very excited that the latter will include the world premiere …

Festival Klang!

Festival Klang!

I’ll be a featured composer at Festival KLANG! Ă©lectroacoustique 2018 in Montpellier May 30th to June 3rd, hosted by the always amazing Julien Guillamat. My pieces Kelp Road, Böse, and Gotlandic Miscellanea will be presented alongside music by Julien, Gilles Gobeil, Jonty Harrison, Denis Smalley, Annette Vande Gorne, Steve Reich and others. I’ll also do some Dark …

BEASTopia! and Mari Fukumoto

BEASTopia!, the latest instalment of BEAST FEaST is almost upon us, kicking off Wednesday with a collaboration with EDM presenters Bleep43! Friday’s events will include performances by the always amazing Mari Fukumoto, including the UK premiere of my Music for Manic Machines in the 19:00 show.

Networked Imagination Lab

Imaginary Landscapes 2018

I’ll be contributing to this year’s Imaginary Landscapes at the Networked Imagination Laboratory in Hamilton in three ways: On Saturday April 14th, I’ll do a solo Dark Matter performance in the 8PM concert. On Monday the 16th, Kelp Road will make an appearance in the 4PM concert, and earlier in the day I’ll give a workshop on …

Urgent Voices

So excited about this event with Continuum, performances December 8-9th in Toronto. Includes the premiere of From the Diaries of William Lyon Mackenzie King, a project/concept that I’ve been coming back to in different forms for 20 years or so. It’s been great collaborating again with the wonderful Alexandra Oliver, and for the first time with the …